30% Is A Stat About Female Orgasm, But It's Not What You Think...probably, unless you read my blog a lot...
30% is often used as the percentage of women that can orgasm vaginally. The reality is that there’s no physical evidence any women at all can orgasm vaginally, and even looking at surveys (where there’s no physical evidence to back up what people say) 30% is still a really high estimate. This post goes over the details about where this number comes from and what it ctually can and can’t say about female orgasmic experience.

Lady-gasm Equality: We Need A Revolution Not More Communication in Bed
If I hear one more person listen to my message and say back to me something like, “Exactly! It’s all about communications,” I’ll lose my damn mind. That’s not even close to what I’m saying, and the orgasm equality problem is about soooo much more than communication. Let me break it down by flipping the perspective.

Some Stuff I wanted to Write While On a Layover
Some thoughts about what I’m doing and upcoming blog plans while on a layover.

Giving Up Blowjobs For The Good Of Womankind
Alison Stevenson is giving up BJs and she wrote a stellar Orgasm Equality piece about it.

Annamarie Jagose Getting to the Bottom of this Whole Orgasm Gap Thing
Annamarie Jagose wrote a killer piece both acknowledging the clear truth that intercourse and lady-gasms don’t align and that it’s insane that we’ve known that for sooo long yet keep ignoring that it’s true. I’m way into this writing.

Colin Aulds, An Article, The Honest Liars, and Orgasm Equality!
So, I went on a podcast called The Honest Liars a while back to talk about lady-gasms after they happen to find and watch my movie. Now, one of them, Colin Aulds wrote a fabulous Orgasm Equality article you should definitely check out.

Eva Longoria, Her Vibrators, and Her Orgasm Equality Awesomeness
Eva Longoria has done some speaking out about orgasm equality, specifically vibrators. Yes. I love it.

Gemma Askham - Writing Orgasm Equality for Women's Magazines Like A Boss!!!!
Gemma Askham is writing orgasm equality excellence for a variety of women’s magazines. She’s doing the damn thing.

Orgasm Inequality Ain't Due To Lady-parts Being Weird
Suzannah Weiss wrote an article calling bullshit about the idea that women orgasm less because they’re harder to please. Go on with your orgasm equality self, Ms. Weiss.

Bad Sex: An Orgasm Equality Article on Feministe
The aptly titled article, “Bad Sex” was written by EG, and spits some of the most vulnerable, raw truths about experiences of sex as a women. Her experience may not be all women’s experiences exactly, but I believe there are pieces of it that almost all women can relate to, and it says so much about where we are as a sexual culture.

The Modern Sexual Revolution's Coming
on coming together, learning from our foremothers, and really bringing the orgasm equality revolution home

Women's Equality Day!
A quick post with some Sophia Wallace Cliteracy work for Women’s Equality Day!

Frank Schaeffer - Orgasm Equality Champ, With A Little Religious Flair!
Frank Schaeffer, a high profile Cristian writer saw an article about Science, Sex and the Ladies, watched the movie and then wrote a really thoughtful article about the content on Patheos.

Reticulated Writer Writes Some Orgasm Equality...About Licking One's Own Clit...
Reticulated Writer writes some Orgasm Equality goodness. Check out her blog.

Defending the Harder Parts of Science, Sex and the Ladies
I may seem like a bitch that doesn’t believe women, but the possibility that the vaginal orgasm isn’t actual and that women might say they have it when they aren’t actually physically having an orgasm is pretty hard to ignore.

Everyday Orgasm Equality List!
A list of fun and useful things you can do any given day to move orgasm equality forward.

Orgasm Equality Awesomeness from Stefani Ruper at Paleo For Women
Stefani Ruper wrote a great orgasm equality piece over at Paleo for Women

International Day of Female Orgasm in Brazil
I guess a Brazilian politician decided to pay his wife back for all the orgasm-less sex, and Brazil made a day for it - The International Day of Female Orgasm

Bex vanKoot Spits the Truth about Orgasm Equality at RAW Magazine!!!!!
An old friend of Science, Sex and the Ladies, Bex vanKoot wrote an absolutely stellar orgasm equality piece for September 2104 RAW Attraction Magazine called, “Ecstatic Science and the Erotic Brain”

What the Ladies of Vivid Radio Taught Me
My thoughts after listening to the ladies of Vivid during my 3 free month of Sirius Radio. - “I truly believe that if we ever succeed at really changing female sexual culture for the better, it will not be without the women of porn or against them, it will be beside them”