Blog’s New Home - Welcome!
After 15 Years (Happy 15 Year Anniversary to this blog!), we finally made the move away from Blogger and have our new home here as ScienceSexAndTheLadies.com

Rejuvenation of the Orgasm Equality Spirit, My People
An update on my life and feelings related to this Orgasm Equality Activism after 4 years in a new city.

So, It's Been a While, But I'll Be Back - Promise
Me just letting you know I’m still here…

Lady-gasm Knowledge Gifts for the Young Folk
My advice for gifts to give those in your life that might be able to use my brand of lady-gasm information (so I’m thinking anyone at all). If anyone actually gives someone these, I’d like to hear about it, please.

Mothers Day Advice for Raising Clit-aware Kids
In honor of Mother’s Day, some unsolicited advice about raising lady-gasm knowledgeable children

Team Clitoris Anthem by Djippp
A little about unsuccessfully putting up a light and also the song C.L.I.T (Team Clitoris Anthem) by Djippp

Sparkles, Colored Lights, And Other Things I'm Thinking Of This NYE
Some thoughts on New Years Eve 2020

Squirrels, Fire, Diabetic Cats, and Cinnamon Toast - Random Thoughts From Me
A little about my life recently; including a squirrel sucking it’s own member

Some Stuff I wanted to Write While On a Layover
Some thoughts about what I’m doing and upcoming blog plans while on a layover.

New Years Eve 2018
Happy New Yea’s Eve 2018! Here’s a few thoughts about the year past and the year to come while I wait for my friends to wake up.

Remembering My Mom
A tribute to may mom, Pat Eberle, that passed in the fall of 2018. I just wanted to write something about her, and I happen to have this blog.

Lady-gasms Are Barely A Thing In Sex, And We All Deal With It In Our Own Way
A love letter to all the ladies (that’s all of us really) out there dealing with how to merge our orgasmic realities with our orgasmic expectations, giving particular focus to what the idea of an orgasm not being important to a woman means in this crazy sexual culture of ours.

Watch SSL, Contact Me, Know Me
A post about me, the movie, and how I really like to be contacted by people who watch Science, Sex, and the Ladies or who read this blog. I don’t care if you yell at me. I just like to hear from you.

Retro SSL Post: Replying To Comments And Thinking On The Discrepancies Around 'Vaginal Orgasm'
Me thinking about fielding comments and how my relationship to it has evolved. A re-post from a few years back

You might not be beautiful and other things I want to say to the ladies in my life
A stream of consciousness love letter to my ladies about the state of being a lady

My Mom, Chemo BS, Laughter, And Also Some Half-assed Lady-gasm Stuff
My mom isn’t doing great, but I got a lot of love and laughter in my life, and I also have enough energy to get a post up with at least some relevance to lady-gasms, so here you are, my friends

I feel weird and it's Thanksgiving and I write a blog
A little update on my life and all that

Sad As Shit To Remember How America Feels About Women
I am listing to Lady Gaga a lot right now, and also here’s my ramblings about the 2016 Presidential election.