The Movie: Science, Sex and the Ladies (2014)

To help celebrate the 10th Anniversary of this movie and the 15th Anniversary of this blog, click on the questionnaire below to share your thoughts!

Science, Sex, and the Ladies (2014; 100mins) is the movie that started it all. Production began in 2009, and this blog was birthed to document it. The blog slowly morphed into what it is today, a continuation of the activism and an expansion on the ideas put forth in this movie.

We call it a Visual Essay because it’s kind of like a thesis paper (complete with citations) played out through odd little vignettes. It’s frank and irreverent, humorous but serious, with a simple yet far reaching argument; our (mis)understanding of the female orgasm has broken our sexual cultural.

Find it on Vimeo (with English, Brazilian Portuguese, or Russian subtitles), stream on Amazon, Purchase for educational classroom use, watch it dubbed in Italian if you are in Italy watching late night cable, or if you need a DVD or want to throw a watch party - contact me.