The New York Times Recent Clit Article - To Better Clit Knowledge in Medicine!
Highlighting a NY times article about the lack of clit knowledge in Medicine

Mothers Day Advice for Raising Clit-aware Kids
In honor of Mother’s Day, some unsolicited advice about raising lady-gasm knowledgeable children

Team Clitoris Anthem by Djippp
A little about unsuccessfully putting up a light and also the song C.L.I.T (Team Clitoris Anthem) by Djippp

Just Watched the SSL Movie Bloopers
Musings on the way we released our movie, Science, Sex, and the Ladies after re-watching the DVD bloopers these many years later

Still Here, but Sadly Shere Hite is Not
A type of love letter to the recently passed Shere Hite. She gave us a gift of lady-gasm knowledge in the early 70’s. She got a lot of hate for it, but worst of all, she and her gift of knowledge eventually became marginalized and largely forgotten. It remains that way to this day, but I believe it’s too important to stay down.

A Dirty Story With 7 Realistic Lady-gasms!
An SSL Review of the depictions/discussions of female orgasm in an erotic story. It was so surprisingly lady-gasm realistic that I had to write about it.

Future Man - The SSL Review
Review of depictions and discussions of female orgasm, female masturbation, cunnilingus, and/or the clit in Future Man Season 1 Episode 3 – uses the signature SSL Review 5 vulva rating system.

Where Does Touch To the Clit Activate In The Brain - A Journal Article I Read
A detailed, but (mostly) plainly worded summary of a scientific journal article called “The Somatosensory Representation of the Human Clitoris: An fMRI Study” My goal is to give more people an opportunity to engage with peer reviewed research about female orgasm and hopefully incorporate it more into our culture understanding.

Landline - The SSL Review
Review of depictions and discussions of female orgasm, female masturbation, cunnilingus, and/or the clit in ‘Landline’ – uses the signature SSL Review 5 vulva rating system.

Cosmo's Sex Positions Are Still Legit As F#@&
Jill Hamilton comes through for Cosmo again with a list of sex positions in the bathroom that are clit focused as hell. She’s pulling Cosmo in the direction of Orgasm Equality, my people.

Inside Amy Schumer S1 Ep3 - The SSL Review
Review of depictions and discussions of female orgasm, female masturbation, cunnilingus, and/or the clit in Inside Amy Schumer Season 1 Episode 3 – uses the signature SSL Review 5 vulva rating system.

Clit And Female Orgasm Terminology - A Journal Article I Read
A detailed, but (mostly) plainly worded summary of a scientific journal article called “Anatomy of Sex: Revision of the New Anatomical Terms Used for the Clitoris and the Female Orgasm by Sexologists.” My goal here is to give more people an opportunity to engage with peer reviewed research about female orgasm and hopefully incorporate it more into our culture understanding.

Bodybuilding Thread And The Clit: A Retro SSL Adventure
A repost from 2013. This is my summary of a thread on a bodybuilding forum about Sophia Wallace’s 101 Laws of Cliteracy. It’s pretty epic, and I think you’ll love finally hearing from BushrodButtram himself that he thinks “all this ‘women can't climax from intercourse’ stuff is greatly exaggerated.

Twitter Lady-gasm Truths: Rachel Bloom Is An Orgasm Equality Hero
Rachel Bloom (Crazy Ex Girlfriend) brings some orgasm equality truth bombs to twitter and I’m all in for it.

Retro Post: Skeptic Ink Article Critique and the History of The Debate It Led To
I critiqued a 2014 post by Edward Clint at Skeptic Ink because, among other things, he was pitting Freud against the feminists of the 70’s as 2 extreme sides of the “orgasm debate’ which is a real pet peeve of mine. He disagreed with my assessment, and we debated back and forth . This is the OG post along with info about what ensued.

How Women Rate Their Genital Sensitivity and Appearance: An Article I Read
A detailed, but (mostly) plainly worded summary of a scientific journal article called “Self-assessment of genital anatomy, sexual sensitivity and function in women: implications for genitoplasty.” My goal here is to give more people an opportunity to engage with peer reviewed research about female orgasm and hopefully incorporate it more into our culture understanding.

Seinfeld S4 Ep21: The SSL Review
Review of depictions and discussions of female orgasm, female masturbation, cunnilingus, and/or the clit in Seinfeld Season 4 Episode 21 – uses the signature SSL Review 5 vulva rating system.

Sex and the City S4 Ep10, S6 Ep1-4 Ep9-12: A Retro SSL Review
Transcriptions of the notes I made for Sex and the City many years ago about depictions and discussions of female orgasm, female masturbation, cunnilingus, and/or the clit. Season 4 Ep 10, Season 6 Ep 1-4 and 9-12

Random Hite Report #22
Here I hand-copy 1 random page out of the groundbreaking, incredibly important 1976 survey by Shere Hite about female orgasm, masturbation, and sexuality -The Hite Report. Every page is fab, and I do this with the hopes of getting people to read the whole book.