Mothers Day Advice for Raising Clit-aware Kids
In honor of Mother’s Day, some unsolicited advice about raising lady-gasm knowledgeable children

Sleeping With Other People - The SSL Review
Review of depictions and discussions of female orgasm, female masturbation, cunnilingus, and/or the clit in ‘Sleeping With Other People’ – uses the signature SSL Review 5 vulva rating system.

Yana Tallon-Hicks Speakin' That Orgasm Equality On The TED Stage
Yana Tallon-Hicks speaks some orgasm equality truths in her TED Talk.

On-Point Discussion About Better Sex Ed In the Muslim American Community
Sarah Harvard writes an article over at Teen Vogue about her sex education as a Muslim-American, and encourages the young generation to help create a “healthy, positive, and religiously compliant attitude towards sex.” Top-notch orgasm equality stuff here.

Teaching Boys to Masturbate the Unintentional Way!
Laying out some of the unintentional teaching about masturbation that goes on in our culture for boys that does not happen in the same way for girls. It’s not an even playing field.

What Last Week Tonight's Sex Ed Got Wrong
Surprisingly inaccurate and misinformed information Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. It was supposed to be showing sex ed info that’s simple and accurate. They only got that right for the male parts of it.

BISH! A Good Website And A Kickass Video About P in V Sex
A great video killing it on the P-in-V lady-gasm realness, from a great UK site called BISH.