Cosmo October 2018 - The SSL Review
Review of depictions and discussions of female orgasm, female masturbation, cunnilingus, and/or the clit in the October 2018 Cosmopolitan Magazine

SSL Advice On Best Sex Positions for Female Orgasm
Some irreverent, but actually pretty straightforward and sensible advice to orgasm during intercourse

1977 Hustler Review Series #1: Advice & Consent
Review of depictions and discussions of female orgasm, female masturbation, cunnilingus, and/or the clit (and other interesting things as I see fit) in the September 1977 Hustler Magazine. This is the 1st of 7 review segments.

Dr. Ruth on Johnny Carson in 1982: The Culture of Lady-gasm Hasn't Changed Much :(
I saw Dr. Ruth on a retro airing of 1983 Johnny Carson. 1. She is a badass. 2. She’s saying all the same things we’re hearing from sexperts now, and very little has changed

What Does Dr. Phil Say about Female Orgasm???? I Knew You'd Want to Know.
Dr. Phil’s female orgasm advice on his page, sucks, but it’s also not far off from most advice you’d get - even fairly progressive stuff.

Go Ask Alice...To Flip a F-ing Table Over If She Has To Answer This Bullshit Again
All the questions from women wanting to know about how to have vaginal orgasms on a University sex advice site

Inside Amy Schumer S2 Ep2: The SSL Review
Review of depictions and discussions of female orgasm, female masturbation, cunnilingus, and/or the clit in Inside Amy Schuler Season 2 Episode 2 – uses the signature SSL Review 5 vulva rating system.