The OG G-Spot Paper Summary
I summarize/review a 1950 article often mentioned as one of the first modern discussions of the ‘G-Spot.’ However, it was not called that at the time because the term “G-Spot” was actually coined in about 1980 in a paper after Grafenberg - the author of this here paper we will be summarizing. It's not a study, but more of an editorial, and it's a mixed bag. There's progressive stuff said, incorrect assertions (because it's 1950 and we know more now), and some kinda unhinged, bonkers statements.

Where Does Touch To the Clit Activate In The Brain - A Journal Article I Read
A detailed, but (mostly) plainly worded summary of a scientific journal article called “The Somatosensory Representation of the Human Clitoris: An fMRI Study” My goal is to give more people an opportunity to engage with peer reviewed research about female orgasm and hopefully incorporate it more into our culture understanding.

1 Shitty and 4 Kinda Interesting Articles about Orgasm and Prolactin
A detailed, overview of 5 scientific journal articles related to prolactin and orgasm. The 5th article uses the previous 4 to make conclusions about women’s satiation after a masturbation vs. intercourse orgasm. My goal with these summaries is to give more people an opportunity to engage with peer reviewed research about female orgasm and hopefully incorporate it more into our culture understanding.

Comparing Measurements of Female Sexual Dysfunction - An Article I Read
A detailed, but (mostly) plainly worded summary of a scientific journal article called “What is the ‘true prevalence of female sexual dysfunctions and does the way we assess these conditions have an impact?” - plus my take on the background of this issue. My goal here is to give more people an opportunity to engage with peer reviewed research about female orgasm and hopefully incorporate it more into our culture understanding.

Retro Author Interview: Miriam Reumann and American Sexual Character
I interview Miriam G. Reumann, author of the book, “American Sexual Character; Sex, Gender, and National Identity in the Kinsey Reports.” This not only insightful and heavily researched, but also a really fun read. (A re-post from 2011)

Do All Orgasms Feel Alike?: A Journal Article I Read
A detailed, but (mostly) plainly worded summary of a scientific journal article called “Do all orgasms feel alike? Evaluating a two-dimensional model of the orgasm experience across gender and sexual context.” My goal here is to give more people an opportunity to engage with peer reviewed research about female orgasm and hopefully incorporate it more into our culture understanding.

The Orgasm Researcher of My Most Beautiful Dreams - Dr. Nicole Prause Doin' Experimental Design Right
Dr. Nicole Prause is one of the very few scientists even close to speaking about female orgasm research in a truly thoughtful progressive, realistic way. She’s doing the damn thing, and I’m very excited to watch her work.

Orgasm in Women with Spinal Cord Injury (Sipski Study) - A Journal Article I Read
A detailed, but (mostly) plainly worded summary of a scientific journal article called “Orgasm in women with spinal cord injuries: a laboratory-based assessment.” My goal here is to give more people an opportunity to engage with peer reviewed research about female orgasm and hopefully incorporate it more into our culture understanding.

A Big Ol' List of Summarized Journal Articles Relating To Female Orgasm
This is the ever growing list of Review/Summaries I have done of peer reviewed scientific journal articles related to female orgasm, arranged by topic.

Good Orgasmic Pelvic Contraction Study from 1982 - A Journal Article I Read
A detailed, but (mostly) plainly worded summary of a scientific journal article called “The female orgasm: pelvic contractions.” My goal here is to give more people an opportunity to engage with peer reviewed research about female orgasm and hopefully incorporate it more into our culture understanding.

MRIs of Stimulation to the clitoris, Cervix, and Vagina - A Journal Article I Read
A detailed, but (mostly) plainly worded summary of a scientific journal article called “Women's clitoris, vagina, and cervix mapped on the sensory cortex: fMRI evidence.” My goal here is to give more people an opportunity to engage with peer reviewed research about female orgasm and hopefully incorporate it more into our culture understanding.

A New Study about Clit Size and Orgasms!!!
A detailed, but (mostly) plainly worded summary of a scientific journal article called “Clitoral size and location in relation to sexual function using pelvic MRI.” My goal here is to give more people an opportunity to engage with peer reviewed research about female orgasm and hopefully incorporate it more into our culture understanding.

Cervical Stimulation and Orgasm in Women with Spinal Cord injuries - A journal Article I read
A detailed, but (mostly) plainly worded summary of a scientific journal article called “Brain activation during vaginocervical self-stimulation and orgasm in women with complete spinal cord injury: fMRI evidence of mediation by the vagus nerves.” My goal here is to give more people an opportunity to engage with peer reviewed research about female orgasm and hopefully incorporate it more into our culture understanding.

Frigidity, Kick-Ass Colombian Journalists, and Some Thank Yous
Paula Ochoa wrote a piece about Science, Sex and the Ladies in a big Columbian publication, and then Patricia Sulburan invited me to discuss it on a big morning radio show in Columbia. Amazing all around.

Distance From Clitoris to Vagina: Does It Matter to Orgasms?
A detailed, but (mostly) plainly worded summary of a scientific journal article called “Female sexual arousal: Genital anatomy and orgasm in intercourse.” My goal here is to give more people an opportunity to engage with peer reviewed research about female orgasm and hopefully incorporate it more into our culture understanding.

Science of Orgasm Video
A Video came out called, “The Science of Orgasm,” but it’s notthat based in science. Here’s my take.

Sensitivity of Clit and Vagina While Aroused and Unaroused
A detailed, but (mostly) plainly worded summary of a scientific journal article called " Physiological Changes in Female Genital Sensation During Sexual Stimulation." My goal here is to give more people an opportunity to engage with peer reviewed research about female orgasm and hopefully incorporate it more into our culture understanding.

Vaginal Nerviness and What I would Say Differently If I Made This Movie Now
Although I still clearly assert that stimulation of the vagina has never been shown to cause orgasm, if I were to remake the movie, I would soften and update my wording about the nerviness (or lack thereof) of the vagina.

Sexting Lies!
An article about lying during sexting - doesn’t really actually discuss orgasms

The G-Spot/Vaginal Orgasm Debate is Ridiculous
Some bad pop-science BS article about the clitoral/vaginal orgasm debate. I go off a bit.