Intercourse Still Rules: Glee and Shows Like It Toe the Line
The sad lack of sexual creativity and intense prominence of intercourse among all other sexual possibilities leaves teen shows like Glee giving backward ideas about sexuality and lady-gasms.

Wired, The By-product Theory of Female Orgasm, A Twin Study, and Scientists Being Thick
Wired magazine tells us that a twin study about orgasm is a problem for the byproduct theory of orgasm…but I read that twin study…it’s kind of a shit study and Wired is wrong.

Behind "I'll Have What She's Having"
You know that famous scene in ‘When Harry Met Sally’ where Meg Ryan fakes an orgasm at a table in a diner to show Billy Crystal he can’t actually tell when a woman orgasms? Here’s some of the story behind it. Props to the write Nora Ephron.

Ladies, Urban Dictionary Hates the Binner...or just me...Anyway, Help the Binner!
Urban dictionary isn’t accepting my entry for “Binner” - the inner lady boner.

Maxim And The Oh-So Threatening Vibrator
Maxim tried to make a joke, but it didn’t land. They just look like they are threatened by a woman’s orgasm.

Orgasm Equality Awesomeness at "Moms Who Drink and Swear"
Highlighting a post at Moms Who Drink and Swear by Nicole Knepper where she talks about telling her son and daughter about the clitoris. Love it.

Nick Offerman (AKA Ron Swanson) Is A Sly Clit Conscious Feminist
“…you have to water it and prune it and talk nice to it and pay attention to its clitoris, which is a horticultural term you can look up.” - Nick Offerman

My BlogHer Cross-Post for Clitoris Awareness Week or I Don't Like Flower Pics Used to Represent Female Genitals
My Clitoris Awareness Week cross-post on BlogHere was featured and, ya know, I’m gonna talk about it.

A Playlist and Colonel Angus to Ease in the Weekend - Clit Week Post #5
A Playlist to listen to, and a SNL Skit to watch - all involvng clits

Blue Valentine - The SSL Review
Review of depictions and discussions of female orgasm, female masturbation, cunnilingus, and/or the clit in the movie, Blue Valentine – uses the signature SSL Review 5 vulva rating system.

Kisses Down Low by Kelly Rowlands Added to Dirty Songs Champs
Kelly Rowland brings some sex, yet orgasm equality lyrics

Peaches and Cream by 112 - SSL Dirty Song Champ
Speak that cunnilingus love, 112 - “Got your legs around my neck so I can't get up…”

More Ideas for Mutual Masturbation Slang
A list of possible phrases/words for mutual masturbation. We need to normalize it, and good slang helps.

Green Beer and its Effects on Your Pot of Gold
A Science, Sex, and the Ladies PSA about alcohol’s effect on arousal and orgasm…with as St. Pat’s twist.

The Duchess War - Guest SSL Book Review
A Guest Review of the depictions and discussions of female orgasm, female masturbation, cunnilingus, and/or the clit in the book “The Duchess War” by Courtney Milan by the one and only Kat van Sass.

Archer's Got The Sexy vs. Sexual Balance I Do So Hope For
A discussion of the TV show, Archer, and the depictions of sexuality. It’s not an official SSL Review, but it’s a little someting.