Olympic Bulges
I love the Olympics, and even better found Cosmo’s list of best Olympic bulges. Enjoy.

Hey Girl Ryan Gosling - The Orgasm Equality Set
A little orgasm equality take on the Ryan Gosling ‘Hey Girl’ memes

Funny Masturbation Meme-ish Things For A Saturday
Some masturbation memes to help you in your day’s adventures

Thanks Mom! - The Final Clit Awareness Week Post
An appreciation of my mom and all she has given me so far.

Posters for May First Friday!
Check out our newest Science, Sex and, the Ladies movie posters!

New Years for Easter
Here’s some pics from AnC Movie’s New Year Card. We did an epic NYE part photoshoot, and we had a pretty good time.

Female Masturbation? Graphs? Yes!
These excellent lady-bation graphs from glasmond.tumblr.com

Our Kickstarter Party Pics (From a Year Ago)
The Kickstarter end party where we raised money for our score and sound was a year ago, and here’s some pics from the shindig.

Some Pics From Our Final Shoot
We did a final re-shoot for Science, Sex, and the Ladies, and here’s some of the fab pics.

The Entity of the "Female Orgasm" in Comic Form
The comic Modern World has a weird idea of female orgasm, but like the weird idea that the culture at large has too.

Sarah Aaron - LIKDIT!
Sarah Aaron is highlighted for my LIKDIT! Series (Ladies I Know Doing Interesting Things).

Latest Round of Movie Fixes...Done.
We’re combing through Science, Sex, and the Ladies. making fixes, and it feels like we’re getting close.

Our Actual Final Shoots for Science, Sex and the Ladies
We shoot our final scene (well a reshoot of our final scene) with some of our families and cast and crew.