Me resting on the green screen in between screwing up my lines |
Thank you to the friends and family that came out to shoot re-do scenes this Sunday and Monday. Love to ya'll!!!! We are so close to finishing this thing. We've received the funding for the sound finishing and music recording (thanks you, thank you again to our Kickstarter Campaign supporters). Also, a few months ago, Charlie, Barnaby, and I went through the whole movie scene by scene and picked it apart. So, we've been working through corrections, changes, and re-dos for the movie since then. When we are finished - we're talking beginning of May here. We will send it off to our composer, who will start working in more detail on the compositions. Anyway, part of the changes included re-shooting 2 scenes. The final scene of the movie was just a big monologue before. It was kinda boring and somber, so we cut a little out, spread the lines around, and tried to create the feeling that it was the people behind the movie talking to the audience as opposed to actors saying lines to the audience. The scene is filled with the real people who actually do support the aim of the movie, and it's kinda personal with family and friends in there. We shot this at our our Anderson, IN set-up. Thanks Central Cabinet for the space!
The scene we re-did on Monday was just bad before (which is why we decided to re do it), but this time we cut stuff out and turned the voice over into an on-screen narrator. This scene opens and closes the section of the movie about porn. The onscreen narrator is a porn star who talks to us from her porn set just before she begins the porn shoot, and then also talks to us while relaxing after. Ervin Gainer was our male porn star, and made for a beautiful addition to the set. We actually did shoot this in a hotel.
From left to right: Amber Helms, Natalie Ingle, Stephanie Fritz, Lindsay Leonard, etc, etc, chillin' on set |
Nick Marson and Amber Helms doing the things we were telling them to do while rehearsing their lines - like holding hands and looking into each others eyes |
Kelly Cantrell sporting a recently acquired Rugby shiner. She intended to be in this scene...and that's good enough for me! |
Nick Marson acting like crew instead of an actor |
Me with my awesome parents, Pat and Bill, before we shoot a little scene together. I mean come on, not everybody has parents supportive enough to be in their crazy indie female sexuality doc. I have no idea what we're talking about, but I think it's intense. |
From left to right: Abby Henkle, Kristen Marley, Sarah Perfetti, David Charles, Sachie Marubayasi, Danny DeSloover. I call these people the pose masters - particularly Sachie. |
We got our sisters (the ones with kids) together! From left to right: The Bickel Family (my sis), The Nadler family (Barnaby's sis), and the De La Cerda Family (Charlie's sis). |
Way back during our first shoots, Emma Weber played a little girl from the 50's who morphs into a 60's college gal. She came back all grown up to say a line about adolescents in the final scene. |
Christa Grimmer gets dust wiped off her shoes before stepping onto the green paper. Check Barnaby in the background doin' some tapin'! |
Jeremy and Christa were in SSL during our first shoots. They were engaged during that time and since have gotten married and had baby Jericho. They came back to say a line about parents in our final scene, and Jericho was awesome! |
Me and Charlie between my takes. My feet hurt like a bitch. |
Ervin Gainer, Abigail Wright, and Charlie getting ready to shoot the part of this scene that has our on-screen narrator playing a porn actress talking to us before getting to work.
Our fabulous actors after finishing the last scene in which our on-screen narrator talks to the audience while acting as if she has just finished up on a porn set. |