My BlogHer Cross-Post for Clitoris Awareness Week or I Don't Like Flower Pics Used to Represent Female Genitals
My Clitoris Awareness Week cross-post on BlogHere was featured and, ya know, I’m gonna talk about it.

Thanks Mom! - The Final Clit Awareness Week Post
An appreciation of my mom and all she has given me so far.

We Should be More Clit Smart And We Should Be Angry We're Not
A beautiful, personal post over at Frothing at the Brain . It's just a girl who wants to tell the world that she's pissed off about how little information she was given about her clit.

A Playlist and Colonel Angus to Ease in the Weekend - Clit Week Post #5
A Playlist to listen to, and a SNL Skit to watch - all involvng clits

Binner - The Clit Boner - Clitoris Awareness Week Post #4
We should start talking about ‘binners’ - the inner boners.

Even Our Own Clits Aren't Always Easy to Identify
If you don’t know where your clit is, you’re not alone. I thought my clit was where my pee came out of until I was in college. We all probably have little or big inaccuracies in our heads, because we get shit educations.

Parents Have You Said Clitoris to Your Child? - A International Clitoris Awareness Week Challenge
Some ways to talk to your kids about the clit.

International Clitoris Awareness Week Gets 7 days of SSL Posts!
International Clitoris Awareness Week sponsored by Clitoraid. I’m definitely celebrating.