20th Century Women: The SSL Review
Review of depictions and discussions of female orgasm, female masturbation, cunnilingus, and/or the clit in the movie, 20th Century Women – This is my highest rated movie of all time 5 1/2 out of 5 vulvas (!)(!)(!)(!)(!)(!

You might not be beautiful and other things I want to say to the ladies in my life
A stream of consciousness love letter to my ladies about the state of being a lady

How Our F'd Up Sexual Culture Slowly Breaks Us Ladies And Our 'Gasms
After a discussion with a friend, here is my thoughts about why women’s ability to orgasm with another person might not realistically be as quick, easy, or reliable as masturbating on their own.

Press Kit Response to the Most Controversial part of Science, Sex and the Ladies
A sneak peak of how I’m discussing in the press kit the stance that vaginal orgasm seem to be, well, not a thing if you look at the scientific literature.

Random Male Hite Report #6
Here I hand-copy 1 random page out of The Hite Report on Male Sexuality. A great book preceded by The Hite Report, a groundbreaking, incredibly important 1976 survey about female orgasm, masturbation, and sexuality by Shere Hite. I do these with the hope of getting people to read both these books.

Ladies, Urban Dictionary Hates the Binner...or just me...Anyway, Help the Binner!
Urban dictionary isn’t accepting my entry for “Binner” - the inner lady boner.

SSL-Style Masturbation Manifesta
I snuck in on the last day of national Masturbation month. Here’s some statements about how masturbation and orgasm equality line up.

Shere Hite on the Hite Report 30 Years Later
Shere Hite was speaking truths in 2008! She calls bullshit on the G-spot as magic orgasm button and notes how it made it seem lke sex didn’t need to change.

Nick Offerman (AKA Ron Swanson) Is A Sly Clit Conscious Feminist
“…you have to water it and prune it and talk nice to it and pay attention to its clitoris, which is a horticultural term you can look up.” - Nick Offerman

Thanks Mom! - The Final Clit Awareness Week Post
An appreciation of my mom and all she has given me so far.

My Love of Playboy Might Have Messed Up My Young Feminist Mojo
I was a straight girl that grinded off to a lot of Playboys in my teens. It was formative, and influenced my early ideas about feminism and sexuality, but with time my ideas have evolved.

One Orgasm Equality Movement Mama I Love
Shere Hite, I really want to talk to you. I have lots of questions, and I also just want to tell you I’m so happy you did what you did.

Shere Hite, If You're Listening....
Shere Hite - if you’re out there, I’d still LOVE to interview you. Also, you are basically on onscreen narrator in the movie, played by a bad ass lady.

CR Groups!!! (or just start being more real with your friends)
I’m reading Betty Dodson's book, “My Romantic Love Wars: A Sexual Memoir,” - (read it!) and I suddenly felt the urge to start a sexual Consciousness Raising group.

Ashton Kutcher Just Got Hotter (Through His Feminist Sex Positive Leanings)
Ashton Kutcher is speaking some lady-gasm empowerment

The Magical World of Girl Culture and Orgasms!!!
A word cluster of girl’s toy commercials recently created by a blogger, where ‘Magic’ was prominent got me thinking about the connection between the way little girls are thought to think about the world and the way grown women might think about our orgasms.

Letting Our Lips Flap - Vulva Lips That Is
My epic argument for using ‘big ol’ swinging lips’ or something like that instead of big balls to denote power and risk-taking.

Consciousness Raising and Orgasm Inequality
We need some more Consciousness Raising Groups for women - like the had in the 70’s.

Pleasure and "Choosing" Whether To Have An Orgasm - Why Women Deserve Just A Little Better
Inspired by a blog post from the author of, “What’s Up Down There? Questions You’d Only Ask Your Gynecologist If She Was Your Best Friend,” I consider women and the “choice” to orgasm with a partner - “While acknowledging that women can enjoy and find pleasure in sex without orgasm, we should also be working to make the choice to have or not to have an orgasm an actual viable choice for women.”