Cast And Crew Screening!
The Cast And Crew Screening of Science, Sex and the Ladies was last night!

Posters for May First Friday!
Check out our newest Science, Sex and, the Ladies movie posters!

Some Pics From Our Final Shoot
We did a final re-shoot for Science, Sex, and the Ladies, and here’s some of the fab pics.

Latest Round of Movie Fixes...Done.
We’re combing through Science, Sex, and the Ladies. making fixes, and it feels like we’re getting close.

My Mom Is Supportive of My Female Orgasm Doc, and I'm Lucky to Have Her!
An appreciation for Mother’s Day of my mom and her support of me and this work

Our Actual Final Shoots for Science, Sex and the Ladies
We shoot our final scene (well a reshoot of our final scene) with some of our families and cast and crew.

Final Shoot Before We Begin Submitting to Festivals!
We did one final shoot before we start pulling together a rough cut to send to festivals.

Gearing Up For Festival Submissions This Month
With 14 of the 55 scenes left to finish, we’re working hard to prepare for festival submissions.

SSL Play Review? Don We Now our Gay Apparel
It’s not technically SSL Reviewable (no depictions or discussion of lady-gasm or lady-bation) but it’s fabulous and has some Science, Sex, and the Ladies cast members in it.

Costuming "Science Sex and the Ladies": hoarding, intentions, constraints, and sizing super powers
On costuming Science, Sex, and the Ladies and all the movie costumes I’m still hanging onto

Previewing Select Scenes
We’re having a cast party to show some scenes and a trailer this upcoming Friday.

April 16th cast party at White Rabbit Cabaret
We’re planning a Cast Party scene/trailer preview screening for April 16th!

Thanksgiving - A little late
Some of the things I’m thankful about regarding Science, Sex, and the Ladies production.

70 minutes rough!
Charlie guest posts - we have a 70 minute rough cut of Science, Sex, and the Ladies. We’re getting there!

Web Site Thoughts
Talking about what the Science, Sex, and the Ladies Website should be like

We're Still Here and Still Working - A Quick Update
We took a bit of a rest after finishing the last of production, but we’re back at it.

Some tidbits
Some thoughts on the Backgrounds Charlie’s creating for Science, Sex, and the Ladies