Pictures from LA
We met with Keith Waggoner, our sound re-recording engineer for Science, Sex, and the Ladies…and took some dumb pictures.

Some Pics From Our Final Shoot
We did a final re-shoot for Science, Sex, and the Ladies, and here’s some of the fab pics.

Movie-Making Learnings Plus A Thought On Sexuality
Charlie guest post some thoughts on movie making and sexuality

Our Actual Final Shoots for Science, Sex and the Ladies
We shoot our final scene (well a reshoot of our final scene) with some of our families and cast and crew.

Final Shoot Before We Begin Submitting to Festivals!
We did one final shoot before we start pulling together a rough cut to send to festivals.

Costuming "Science Sex and the Ladies": hoarding, intentions, constraints, and sizing super powers
On costuming Science, Sex, and the Ladies and all the movie costumes I’m still hanging onto

Thanksgiving - A little late
Some of the things I’m thankful about regarding Science, Sex, and the Ladies production.

Closing in on a shot movie...
A bunch of set pics as we get towards the end of our shooting schedule for Science, Sex, and the Ladies

AnC's Awesome Parents
All 3 of us in AnC Movies would like to thank our parents for all the help they’ve provided for this movie so far.

another week a bigger green screen
We created a bigger green screen, and here’s a bunch of the latest pics from the set of Science, Sex, and the Ladies

this just in.
Charlie showcases his latest composite for the scene we call The G-Spot Prom for our movie Science, Sex, and the Ladies.

Behind the Scenes at the G-Spot Prom
Lots of behind the scenes pics for our movie Science, Sex, and the Ladies

Another good shoot.
Lots of behind the scene pics of the scene we call ‘porn wars’ for our movie Science, Sex, and the Ladies

First scene in the can
Lots of behind the scene pics of the scene we call ‘Scene 10 Sex’ (it’s the 3rd of 3 parts to finish off this scene) for our movie Science, Sex, and the Ladies

Thinking about Styling and Roots
I ponder how the unique styling of this movie, Science, Sex, and the Ladies, is going, where it came from, and how we move forward with it.

GreenScreen Test
Charlie talking about one of his green screen tests for our movie Science, Sex, and the Ladies

Adventures in Production
Lots of behind the scene pics for the first shoots on our movie Science, Sex, and the Ladies. Plus, some fab plumbing help, sound dampening the set and other fun stuff

1st day of shooting more to come
Behind the scene pics of our first shoot for our movie Science, Sex, and the Ladies