The OG G-Spot Paper Summary
I summarize/review a 1950 article often mentioned as one of the first modern discussions of the ‘G-Spot.’ However, it was not called that at the time because the term “G-Spot” was actually coined in about 1980 in a paper after Grafenberg - the author of this here paper we will be summarizing. It's not a study, but more of an editorial, and it's a mixed bag. There's progressive stuff said, incorrect assertions (because it's 1950 and we know more now), and some kinda unhinged, bonkers statements.

Orgasm Interviews: ANNA Part II (Intercourse and Non-Intercourse Activities)
I interview a reader, “Anna” about specifics of her orgasm, masturbation, and sexuality history and feelings. This is the 2nd of 3 parts.

A Big Ol' List of Summarized Journal Articles Relating To Female Orgasm
This is the ever growing list of Review/Summaries I have done of peer reviewed scientific journal articles related to female orgasm, arranged by topic.

Fluid Expulsion During Female Sexual Activiy - A Journal Article I Read
A detailed, but (mostly) plainly worded summary of a scientific journal article called “Female ejaculation orgasm vs. coital incontinence: a systematic review.” My goal here is to give more people an opportunity to engage with peer reviewed research about female orgasm and hopefully incorporate it more into our culture understanding.

Press Kit Response to the Most Controversial part of Science, Sex and the Ladies
A sneak peak of how I’m discussing in the press kit the stance that vaginal orgasm seem to be, well, not a thing if you look at the scientific literature.

Is Ejaculation an Orgasm? Betty Dodson Tells Ya Straight
Betty Dodson and Carlin Ross have a great site, and they speak on ejaculations