Marketing Science, Sex and the Ladies - Press Kits, DVDs, and Festivals, Oh My!
Here’s was we here at AnC movies are doing on the administrative end of things right now

Smart Bitches, Trashy Books Reviews Science, Sex and The Ladies
I talk about the latest review of Science, Sex and the Ladies, over at the absolutely fabulous site Smart Bitches Trashy Books

Butler University Magazine and Me
I got a tiny write up in the Butler University Magazine, and note - a lot of Butler grads are in this movie.

Press Kit Response to the Most Controversial part of Science, Sex and the Ladies
A sneak peak of how I’m discussing in the press kit the stance that vaginal orgasm seem to be, well, not a thing if you look at the scientific literature.

Wanna Watch Science, Sex and the Ladies?!
Getting a free DVD for a small screening, and other ways for you to watch Science, Sex, and the Ladies

Assembly line Fun with AnC Movies
We’re packaging and sending out all the Kickstarter DVDs.

Science, Sex and the Ladies Doesn't Fit IMDB's Idea of Docs, But Whatevs
So…Science, Sex, and the Ladies is not your average doc, so as I’m populating IMDB, it keeps making actors list as ‘self’ and it ain’t that kind of doc…

New Trailer for Science, Sex and the Ladies!
Check out the new Trailer for our movie, Science, Sex, and the Ladies

SSL's First Test Screening!
We had a test screening at a Universal Unitarian Church. We got some insight and some popcorn - win/win.

My BlogHer Cross-Post for Clitoris Awareness Week or I Don't Like Flower Pics Used to Represent Female Genitals
My Clitoris Awareness Week cross-post on BlogHere was featured and, ya know, I’m gonna talk about it.

Posters for May First Friday!
Check out our newest Science, Sex and, the Ladies movie posters!

A Touch of SSL Promotion for First Friday
Me, Charlie, and Barnaby were putting up some Science, Sex and the Ladies promotion in Fountain Square for First Friday.

A Scene and a Lot of Thanks!!!!!
We made our Kickstarter goal to fund our score and sound for Science, Sex, and the Ladies! Here’s a little scene from the movie (with no score or sound sweetening)

Final hours of Kickstarter.com Fundraising! Help this Movie Out!
The final day for our Kisckstarter campaign!

Betty Dodson, You Are Awesome!
The lady-bation activist, artist, revolutionary, and all around stunning life-liver, Betty Dodson, endorsed our movie!
Thanksgiving and The Binner
A short Thanksgiving video we made for our Kickstarter campaign to fund the score for Science, Sex, and the Ladies where you;ll learn about the ‘binner’

Our Kickstarter Campaign!
We’re very close to pushing ‘go’ on our Kickstarter Campaign to fund the score and sound for Science, Sex, and the Ladies!

Real Job Vs. This Movie
An aside about my work life and how it does/does not intersect with this movie.