Amy Schumer SNL S48 Ep5 - The SSL Review
Review of depictions and discussions of female orgasm, female masturbation, cunnilingus, and/or the clit in Saturday Night Live Season 48 Episode 5 hosted by Amy Schumer – uses the signature SSL Review 5 vulva rating system.

Girls Seasons 1-6 SSL Review - The Cunnilingus Scenes
Review of the depictions and discussions of all the cunnilingus in the full 6 seasons of Girls – uses the signature SSL Review 5 vulva rating system.

Girls S1E2 - The SSL Review
Review of depictions and discussions of female orgasm, female masturbation, cunnilingus, and/or the clit in Girls Season 1 Episode 2 – uses the signature SSL Review 5 vulva rating system.

The New York Times Recent Clit Article - To Better Clit Knowledge in Medicine!
Highlighting a NY times article about the lack of clit knowledge in Medicine

Firefly Lane Season 1 - The SSL Review
Review of depictions and discussions of female orgasm, female masturbation, cunnilingus, and/or the clit in Season 1 of Firefly Lane – uses the signature SSL Review 5 vulva rating system.

Good Luck To You, Leo Grande: The SSL Review
Review of depictions and discussions of female orgasm, female masturbation, cunnilingus, and/or the clit in ‘Good Luck to You, Leo Grande’ – uses the signature SSL Review 5 vulva rating system.

Rejuvenation of the Orgasm Equality Spirit, My People
An update on my life and feelings related to this Orgasm Equality Activism after 4 years in a new city.

Orgasm and EEG in 1976 - A Journal Article I Read
A detailed, but (mostly) plainly worded summary of a scientific journal article called “Electroencephalographic laterality changes during human sexual orgasm.” My goal is to give people an opportunity to engage with peer reviewed research about female orgasm and hopefully incorporate it more into our culture understanding.

Inherent Vice - The SSL Review
Review of depictions and discussions of female orgasm, female masturbation, cunnilingus, and/or the clit in ‘Inherent Vice’ – uses the signature SSL Review 5 vulva rating system.

Masters and Johnson Playboy Interview 1979
A detailed review/summary of the 1979 Playboy interview of orgasm researching pioneers, Masters and Johnson. It was shortly after their controversial book focused on homosexual sex. It includes all sorts of incredibly interesting insight into their research process.

The Broken Circle Breakdown - An SSL Review
Review of depictions and discussions of female orgasm, female masturbation, cunnilingus, and/or the clit in the ‘The Broken Circle Breakdown’ – uses the signature SSL Review 5 vulva rating system.

What's Love Got To Do With I? - An SSL Review
Review of depictions and discussions of female orgasm, female masturbation, cunnilingus, and/or the clit in the Tina Turner biopic, ‘What’s Love Got to Do With It?’ – uses the signature SSL Review 5 vulva rating system.

Masters And Johnson 1968 Playboy Interview
A detailed review/summary of the 1968 Playboy interview of orgasm researching pioneers, Masters and Johnson, 2 years after the release of their groundbreaking book, Human Sexual Response. It includes incredibly interesting insights into their research process and makes me question the assertion in the book that a few women could have a relatively weak orgasm during vaginal penetration alone.

Book Summary - Sex research and Sex Therapy: A Sociological Analysis of Masters and Johnson
A detailed, but (mostly) plainly worded summary of the 2008 book ‘Sex Research and Sex Therapy: A Sociological Analysis of Masters and Johnson.’ This is a critique largely of Master and Johnson’s therapy techniques, but also includes some discussion of their research that I think is important to understand related to their investigation of the female orgasm.

Mothers Day Advice for Raising Clit-aware Kids
In honor of Mother’s Day, some unsolicited advice about raising lady-gasm knowledgeable children

Sex and the City S3 Ep 4-6 and S6 Ep 5-8: A Retro SSL Review
Transcriptions of the notes I made for Sex and the City many years ago about depictions and discussions of female orgasm, female masturbation, cunnilingus, and/or the clit. S3 Ep 4-6; S6 Ep 5-8

Shirley Valentine - The SSL Review
Review of depictions and discussions of female orgasm, female masturbation, cunnilingus, and/or the clit in the 1989 British movie Shirley Valentine– uses the signature SSL Review 5 vulva rating system.

Wanderlust S1 Ep2 - The SSL REview
Review of depictions and discussions of female orgasm, female masturbation, cunnilingus, and/or the clit in Wanderlust Season1 Episode 2 (1st of 2 posts) – uses the signature SSL Review 5 vulva rating system.

Shit Sex for the Ladies in Shameless: An SSL Review
Overall review of depictions and discussions of female orgasm, female masturbation, cunnilingus, and/or the clit in the whole of the series Shameless…because the though of separately critiquing every shitty non-clit-including bangfest in this series made my ass tired.

The Hite Report is bad-ass, but not much has changes - AKA I love you Shere Hite
Someone sent me an article Shere Hite wrote in 2008. It struck me how frustrating it must have been writing an article that was still railing against the same P-in-V obsessed sexual culture she was railing against when she did her monumental lady-gasm survey in the early 70’s. I know she’d hoped things would have changed some by 2008, but they sadly have not.