Better Sex Scene Ideas
We need better, more realistically lady-gaming sex scenes, people. I have a few ideas.

Tim and Eric's Bedtime Stories S1 Ep 5: The SSL Review
Review of depictions and discussions of female orgasm, female masturbation, cunnilingus, and/or the clit in Tim and Eric’s Bedtime Stories Season 1 Episode 5 – uses the signature SSL Review 5 vulva rating system.

Intercourse Still Rules: Glee and Shows Like It Toe the Line
The sad lack of sexual creativity and intense prominence of intercourse among all other sexual possibilities leaves teen shows like Glee giving backward ideas about sexuality and lady-gasms.

The Overnight - The SSL Review
Review of depictions and discussions of female orgasm, female masturbation, cunnilingus, and/or the clit in the movie, The Overnight – uses the signature SSL Review 5 vulva rating system.

Amy Schumer on the Joe Rogan Experience Podcast: An SSL Review
A sort of SSL Review of Amy Schumer on the Joe Rogan Podcast

Advice to Olympians About Sexy Time in Sochi
Some Orgasm Equality style advice for the athletes in the Olympic Village.

Sexy SSL Stories...AKA Orgasmic Possibilities for Non-Coital M-F Interactions
I got some ideas for gettin’ that clit play - not P-in-V needed

Origami Condoms: Real Good For The Gents, Nice For The Ladies Too
The Origami Condoms are out, and I couldn’t not talk a bit about them.

More Ideas for Mutual Masturbation Slang
A list of possible phrases/words for mutual masturbation. We need to normalize it, and good slang helps.

Some Orgasm Equality Guts from Lady J on "In Bed With Married Women" Blog!
Highlighting a post at In Bed With Married Women blog that includes a letter from reader, Lady J.

Cosmo SSL Review: Jan 2013 #4: The Corkscrew is Lame
Review of depictions and discussions of female orgasm, female masturbation, cunnilingus, and/or the clit (and other interesting things as I see fit) in the January 2013 Cosmopolitan Magazine – My 3rd post about the article, "Rebound Sex, The Right Way" by Casey Gueren. This one focuses on the "The Rebound Move To Master" blurb.

Paragliding and Crisscrossing - Sexy Slang
I picked my fave slang for mutual masturbation, masturbation, and manual stimulation. I’m not sure they’re great though.

7 Reasons Mutual Masturbation is Hot
A list of reasons mutual masturbation is super hot…because it is and we should be normalizing into our cultural sexual script more

What's Good Slang for Mutual Masturbation???
A Reddit Mutual Masturbation slang brainstorm

The Sexy Side of Mutual Masturbation
I want mutual masturbation to be a given in our sexual culture. We got a ways to go, but I have some ideas to get there.