Flower - The SSL Review
Review of depictions and discussions of female orgasm, female masturbation, cunnilingus, and/or the clit in the movie ‘Flower’ – uses the signature SSL Review 5 vulva rating system.

Can We Go Beyond Tackling This Problem by Blaming it on Partner Communication?
I’m truly sick of people reading a detailed critique I created about the large cultural problems with the depictions, study of, and understanding of the female orgasm - where I don’t talk at all about partner communication - and write some vaguely positive thing about it that basically just says, “Yeah! She’s right. We should all just communicate better in bed!” I speak on that here.

Dumb-Ass Pictures About Ladybation I Quickly Found On The Interwebs
A bunch of lady-bation memes I found

Defending the Harder Parts of Science, Sex and the Ladies
I may seem like a bitch that doesn’t believe women, but the possibility that the vaginal orgasm isn’t actual and that women might say they have it when they aren’t actually physically having an orgasm is pretty hard to ignore.

The Female Orgasm Debate With Edward Clint at Skeptic Ink - My Response #1
My first response in a debate with Edward Clint from Skeptic Ink. It started from a critique I had of a post he did on his blog. Although he was not interested in arguing my original critique, we decided on a debate related to the vaginal orgasm.

An Ode To Lady-bation In Celebration Of Independence!
A little tribute to lady-bation in honor of Independence Day

How Our F'd Up Sexual Culture Slowly Breaks Us Ladies And Our 'Gasms
After a discussion with a friend, here is my thoughts about why women’s ability to orgasm with another person might not realistically be as quick, easy, or reliable as masturbating on their own.

Blue is the Warmest Color - The SSL Review
Review of depictions and discussions of female orgasm, female masturbation, cunnilingus, and/or the clit in the movie, Blue is the Warmest Color – uses the signature SSL Review 5 vulva rating system.

Press Kit Response to the Most Controversial part of Science, Sex and the Ladies
A sneak peak of how I’m discussing in the press kit the stance that vaginal orgasm seem to be, well, not a thing if you look at the scientific literature.

"10 Surprising Facts About Orgasms" Mini Series #10
My break down of each of the "10 Surprising Facts about Orgasm" I found in an online Woman's Day article – 1 per day. This is #10

"10 Surprising Facts About Orgasms" Mini Series #5
My break down of each of the "10 Surprising Facts about Orgasm" I found in an online Woman's Day article – 1 per day. This is #5

Smart Orgasm Equality Advice from Blogging Behavioral
Dr. Sandy Andrews, a psychologist in Austin, TX, wrote a post called, “Please Sir, I Want More,” because at its heart, it's about women in need of more when it comes to our orgasms.

The Media is a Liar: Props to Melissa Fabello at Everyday Feminism
A fabulous article by Melissa A. Fabello - "Your First Time: A Sexual Guide for Girls," at Everyday Feminism.

Is Your Woman Faking Orgasms????
AskMen.com asks us, “Is Your Woman Faking Orgasm?” We get some good and also not so good advice.

Rest Easy Virginia Johnson; You Made A Good Mark On Our World
Virginia Johnson, the better (if you ask me) half of the groundbreaking orgasm research duo, has died. She was pretty awesome.

Orgasm Equality Activism from the Perspective of A Sexual Violence Survivor: "We Can come Home" Blog
Jen Cross wrote a piece called “5 reasons for survivors to reclaim masturbation,” on a blog called We Can Come Home: Orgasm As Radical Care: that tells us, "coming home is a blatant celebration of the power of masturbation, particularly for survivors of sexual violence." I highly recommend checking it out whether you are a survivor or not.

SSL-Style Masturbation Manifesta
I snuck in on the last day of national Masturbation month. Here’s some statements about how masturbation and orgasm equality line up.

Shere Hite on the Hite Report 30 Years Later
Shere Hite was speaking truths in 2008! She calls bullshit on the G-spot as magic orgasm button and notes how it made it seem lke sex didn’t need to change.