Memes About Lady-Gasms...
Merely a few Female Orgasm kind of memes for your slight enjoyment

Songs To Eat Girls Out To
On finding a playlist on 8tracks by Yeswecancan called, ‘Songs to eat girls out to”

Is Clitoris A Pokemon?: Recap of a Strange Discussion about Sophia Wallace's Work, Cliteracy 101
This is my summary of a thread on a bodybuilding forum about Sophia Wallace’s 101 Laws of Cliteracy. It’s pretty epic, and I think you’ll love finally hearing from BushrodButtram himself that he thinks “all this ‘women can't climax from intercourse’ stuff is greatly exaggerated. Also you’ll meet the OP HorseCawk.

Sexy Dude costumes - The SSL Halloween Special
I mean, isn’t it time that dudes shoulder some of the burden for making Halloween the sexiest adult holiday?

An Ode To Lady-bation In Celebration Of Independence!
A little tribute to lady-bation in honor of Independence Day

Lady Clitoris and Lord Peter DeCocke at the Indy Pride Parade!
Lady Clitoris, Lord Peter de Cocke and their Orgasm Equality crew marched in the Indy Pride Parade to promote Science, Sex, and the Ladies

My Class, Questioned
In a thread about the movie Blue is the Warmest Color, my SSL review was posted and there was some questioning of my class by the user Ratfink. I replied, it got back to him, and he further replied! It made my week, and it turns out Ratfink is a better, less cranky chap than I first assumed.

Hey Girl Ryan Gosling - The Orgasm Equality Set
A little orgasm equality take on the Ryan Gosling ‘Hey Girl’ memes

Searches People Used To Find This Blog
I can see searches people do that get them to my blog. Some of them are weird.

Ladies, Urban Dictionary Hates the Binner...or just me...Anyway, Help the Binner!
Urban dictionary isn’t accepting my entry for “Binner” - the inner lady boner.

The Romance Novel Orgasm as discussed by readers of Smart Bitches Trashy Books Blog
Check out the Smart Bitches, Trashy Books site. Love it. Here’s some stuff from a thread about terrible descriptions of orgasms in books.

New Years for Easter
Here’s some pics from AnC Movie’s New Year Card. We did an epic NYE part photoshoot, and we had a pretty good time.

Green Beer and its Effects on Your Pot of Gold
A Science, Sex, and the Ladies PSA about alcohol’s effect on arousal and orgasm…with as St. Pat’s twist.

Paragliding and Crisscrossing - Sexy Slang
I picked my fave slang for mutual masturbation, masturbation, and manual stimulation. I’m not sure they’re great though.

Some New Ideas On The Ol' Sexy Costume Situation
A different perspective on the Halloween sexy costume for the ladies