Retro SSL Post: Replying To Comments And Thinking On The Discrepancies Around 'Vaginal Orgasm'
Me thinking about fielding comments and how my relationship to it has evolved. A re-post from a few years back

Alana Massey Says 'Meh' And Revolts Orgasm Equality Style!
Alana Massey speaks the raw, real truths about a sexual culture full of ‘meh’ sex for women, bringing in poignant insights about why we are here, why we ignore it, and what it means…and then comment are are mostly so asinine that they prove all her points.

Replying To Comments And Thinking On The Discrepancies Around 'Vaginal Orgasm'
My thoughts about replying to comments people make on my more high profile posts.

Science, Sex and The Ladies at Alternet and Salon.com!
Science, Sex, and the Ladies got big write ups in Salon and Alternet (thank you Jill Hamilton!), and I’m travelling back from Brazil and moving out of my house all in one weekend.