The Modern Sexual Revolution's Coming
on coming together, learning from our foremothers, and really bringing the orgasm equality revolution home

Betty Dodson Endorses Science, Sex and the Ladies!
The ever fabulous Orgasm Equality champ Betty Dodson endorses our movie. “Science, Sex and the Ladies is a must see for people everywhere. I support this movie 100%.” -Betty Dodson 6/2014

Betty Dodson's Orgasmic Sisterhood Crusade! #Orgasm Equality, Ya'll!
Betty Dodson is certified bad ass in the Orgasm Equality movement. Here’s some good stuff over at her site.

Is Ejaculation an Orgasm? Betty Dodson Tells Ya Straight
Betty Dodson and Carlin Ross have a great site, and they speak on ejaculations

"10 Surprising Facts About Orgasms" Mini Series #7
My break down of each of the "10 Surprising Facts about Orgasm" I found in an online Woman's Day article – 1 per day. This is #7

Thoughts on the Betty Dodson Masturbation Class Article
An excellent article by Rose Surnow at New York Magazine in which she gets to experience THE real life Betty Dodson.

Some Phrases That Brought People To This Blog
I am able to see search phrases that brought people to my sight. Some are real weird.

Hey Teens, Outercourse Is Better Than Intercourse
Betty Dodson and Carlin Ross give some good advice about outercourse

The Fascinating Searches That Bring People To This Blog
I get to see what searches bring people to my blog, and some are fairly strange and unexpected.

Betty Dodson Series #3 - The Interview
I interview the bad-ass lady-bation advocate, Betty Dodson, on her thoughts and incredibly interesting life, experiences, and work. This is the 3rd of 3 parts.

Betty Dodson Series #2 - BAD
I interview the bad-ass lady-bation advocate, Betty Dodson, on her thoughts and incredibly interesting life, experiences, and work. This is the 2nd of 3 parts and is really just me giving you some background on her.

Saturday Betty Dodson Erotic Art Special!
The bad-ass lady-bation advocate, Betty Dodson, is also a fine artist, and here I highlight some of her erotic art. o

Betty Dodson Series #1 - A Little History
I interview the bad-ass lady-bation advocate, Betty Dodson, on her thoughts and incredibly interesting life, experiences, and work. This is the 1st of 3 parts and just gives you a little hstory abot her.

CR Groups!!! (or just start being more real with your friends)
I’m reading Betty Dodson's book, “My Romantic Love Wars: A Sexual Memoir,” - (read it!) and I suddenly felt the urge to start a sexual Consciousness Raising group.

Running the F*ck!!!!!!!!
Betty Dodson is truly on point about masturbation and lady-gasm. Check out her site.

Happy V-Day - Shake Yourself Tonight!
Don’t be fooled by all the tom-foolery sex toys out there the V-day. Simple can be just what you need.

Our First Scene Release from "Science Sex and the Ladies"
5 more days for our sond and score Kickstarte campaign!

Betty Dodson, You Are Awesome!
The lady-bation activist, artist, revolutionary, and all around stunning life-liver, Betty Dodson, endorsed our movie!