Lord and Lady March again.
Lady Clitoris and Lorde De Cocke lead a group of Science Sex and the Ladies crusaders for Orgasm Equality in the Indy Pride Parade.

Science, Sex and The Ladies available now on IndieFlix
Science, Sex and the Ladies is now available on Indie Flix! Here are some coupons

Our Happy Hand
Charlie guest posting about his rendering of The Happy Hand for our movie, Science, Sex, and the Ladies

Sarah Aarons Kickstarter Dolls and stuff.
Sarah Aaron, artist and mother of Barnaby, one of our directors, made these amazing pieces as gifts for kiskstart donors.

Movie-Making Learnings Plus A Thought On Sexuality
Charlie guest post some thoughts on movie making and sexuality

Latest Round of Movie Fixes...Done.
We’re combing through Science, Sex, and the Ladies. making fixes, and it feels like we’re getting close.

Our Second Festival Submission and Near Future Plans
We did some rough-cut festival submissions, some further cuts, some prioritizing of next steps, and we’re about to launch a kickstarted campaign. We’re busy here at AnC Movies.