The Best Scandanavian Female Orgasm Book You Never Knew About - I Accuse! by Mette Ejlersen
A review of the 1970 Scandinavian best-seller and cultural phenomenon that you’ve very likely never heard of, “I Accuse” by Mette Ejlersen. It’s bold, personal, brave, and completely on point about women’s experience of orgasm. It’s, sadly, as relevant now as it was in 1970.

Still Here, but Sadly Shere Hite is Not
A type of love letter to the recently passed Shere Hite. She gave us a gift of lady-gasm knowledge in the early 70’s. She got a lot of hate for it, but worst of all, she and her gift of knowledge eventually became marginalized and largely forgotten. It remains that way to this day, but I believe it’s too important to stay down.

30% Is A Stat About Female Orgasm, But It's Not What You Think...probably, unless you read my blog a lot...
30% is often used as the percentage of women that can orgasm vaginally. The reality is that there’s no physical evidence any women at all can orgasm vaginally, and even looking at surveys (where there’s no physical evidence to back up what people say) 30% is still a really high estimate. This post goes over the details about where this number comes from and what it ctually can and can’t say about female orgasmic experience.

You might not be beautiful and other things I want to say to the ladies in my life
A stream of consciousness love letter to my ladies about the state of being a lady

Sad As Shit To Remember How America Feels About Women
I am listing to Lady Gaga a lot right now, and also here’s my ramblings about the 2016 Presidential election.