2 New Dirty Song Champs - 212 and Love Again!
2 Orgasm Equality Songs - including stuff by Gansta Boo and Azelia Banks

Kisses Down Low by Kelly Rowlands Added to Dirty Songs Champs
Kelly Rowland brings some sex, yet orgasm equality lyrics

Peaches and Cream by 112 - SSL Dirty Song Champ
Speak that cunnilingus love, 112 - “Got your legs around my neck so I can't get up…”

Sexy Orgasm Equality Approved Songs
You wanted a list of songs that are sexy but in a lady-gasm focused, orgasm equality way (actually no one asked for this), and here it is.

Play by David Banner - The SSL Review
Play by David Banner - it’s a sexy Orgasm Equality song…like it actually says the word ‘clit’ in the non-radio version.