What Does Dr. Phil Say about Female Orgasm???? I Knew You'd Want to Know.
Dr. Phil’s female orgasm advice on his page, sucks, but it’s also not far off from most advice you’d get - even fairly progressive stuff.

Jenny Block - Check This True Blue Orgasm Equality Hero Out!
Jenny Block is giving Orgasm Equality sex advice. Let me elaborate.

Go Ask Alice...To Flip a F-ing Table Over If She Has To Answer This Bullshit Again
All the questions from women wanting to know about how to have vaginal orgasms on a University sex advice site

Amy Schumer on the Joe Rogan Experience Podcast: An SSL Review
A sort of SSL Review of Amy Schumer on the Joe Rogan Podcast

Orgasm Equality Advice from Lauren Gray at MarsVenus!
Lauren Gray at MarsVenus actually gives some on-point advice about orgasms during intercourse. Brava!