A write up mostly about the orgasm discussions in a fab book by Suzannah Weiss called Subjectified. I am happy to say no bonkers statements about the orgasm - mostly just sensible and thoughtful ones, and there's lots of non-orgasm related stuff worth reading too.

Are 18.4% - 50.4% of Women Really Able to Orgasm from Penetration Only? A Journal Article Review
The parts of this research related to genital touch preferences are valid and important. But…do these professional sexual researchers not see the bias in the questions/answer options related to intercourse orgasm?…It’s outlandish at times. The current educated, progressive paradigm of sex research/education/advise involves an unwavering belief that it is a known fact some women are able to have orgasms attained though stimulation inside the vaginal canal. If pressed, they couldn’t tell you the actual mechanism for this orgasm or even one study where the muscular reactions of orgasm have ever been recorded from this kind of stimulation, but the belief is strong, and the way they speak and the research they do reflects that - this paper is no exception.

The Best Scandanavian Female Orgasm Book You Never Knew About - I Accuse! by Mette Ejlersen
A review of the 1970 Scandinavian best-seller and cultural phenomenon that you’ve very likely never heard of, “I Accuse” by Mette Ejlersen. It’s bold, personal, brave, and completely on point about women’s experience of orgasm. It’s, sadly, as relevant now as it was in 1970.

Lady-gasm Knowledge Gifts for the Young Folk
My advice for gifts to give those in your life that might be able to use my brand of lady-gasm information (so I’m thinking anyone at all). If anyone actually gives someone these, I’d like to hear about it, please.

Still Here, but Sadly Shere Hite is Not
A type of love letter to the recently passed Shere Hite. She gave us a gift of lady-gasm knowledge in the early 70’s. She got a lot of hate for it, but worst of all, she and her gift of knowledge eventually became marginalized and largely forgotten. It remains that way to this day, but I believe it’s too important to stay down.