The Media is a Liar: Props to Melissa Fabello at Everyday Feminism
A fabulous article by Melissa A. Fabello - "Your First Time: A Sexual Guide for Girls," at Everyday Feminism.

Is Your Woman Faking Orgasms????
AskMen.com asks us, “Is Your Woman Faking Orgasm?” We get some good and also not so good advice.

Feminist Pro-Masturbation Activism by Maya at Feministing
Maya over at Feministing wrote a fab lady-bation article tiled “The Wednesday Weigh-in: Dirty Girl Masturbating Edition”

Orgasm Equality Activism from the Perspective of A Sexual Violence Survivor: "We Can come Home" Blog
Jen Cross wrote a piece called “5 reasons for survivors to reclaim masturbation,” on a blog called We Can Come Home: Orgasm As Radical Care: that tells us, "coming home is a blatant celebration of the power of masturbation, particularly for survivors of sexual violence." I highly recommend checking it out whether you are a survivor or not.

Orgasm Equality Awesomeness at "Moms Who Drink and Swear"
Highlighting a post at Moms Who Drink and Swear by Nicole Knepper where she talks about telling her son and daughter about the clitoris. Love it.

Nick Offerman (AKA Ron Swanson) Is A Sly Clit Conscious Feminist
“…you have to water it and prune it and talk nice to it and pay attention to its clitoris, which is a horticultural term you can look up.” - Nick Offerman

Some Orgasm Equality Guts from Lady J on "In Bed With Married Women" Blog!
Highlighting a post at In Bed With Married Women blog that includes a letter from reader, Lady J.

Sometimes Lady-gasm Advice isn't Perfect But It's Okay
So, I'm going to be highlighting the good (but also noting the bad) in this NetDoctor article, titled, “How To Help Your Female Partner Have Orgasms.”

Maybe Our Orgasm Experiences Are More Alike Than We'd Think, Ladies
In Bed With Married Women blog’s brave, lovely and personal pot about needing clit stimulation.

This is something you learn to do.
An article by Lady J at Ladywanderlust titled, "Surprising Sex Issue That Shouldn't Exist." I particularly like her statement about orgasm, "This is something you learn to do, not expect to surprisingly happen." It's true.

More on Google Searching "Female Orgasm"
I googled female orgasm and found some ok info pages and some bad ones.

Another Crappy AskMen.com Article About Female Orgasm
A great read from Askmen.com if you want some jumbled, strange, incorrect information about the femal orgasm.