First SSL Screening Next Week!...and more daily posts
We’re screening Science, Sex, and the Ladies next week for the cast!

Science, Sex and the Ladies Doesn't Fit IMDB's Idea of Docs, But Whatevs
So…Science, Sex, and the Ladies is not your average doc, so as I’m populating IMDB, it keeps making actors list as ‘self’ and it ain’t that kind of doc…

Happy New Year - We Got Our Final Sound for the Movie!
The final sound sweetening along with the score was delivered. This damn movie is almost completely done.

New Trailer for Science, Sex and the Ladies!
Check out the new Trailer for our movie, Science, Sex, and the Ladies

Recording the Score
The LA recording of the score for Science, Sex, and the Ladies happened!

AnC in LA!
The AnC Movies crew - Me, Charlie, and Barnaby, went to LA for the recording of the score and to work with our sound re-recording engineer for Science, Sex and the Ladies.

Is it really real? Is this movie really getting done?!
Holy Jesus, our movie, so many years in the making is almost done.

Cuttin The Movie To The Bone, Ya'll!
Some details about our deepest cuts yet on Science, Sex and the Ladies’ final edit. Also: notes about our edit days including the smell of my farts

Our Kickstarter Party Pics (From a Year Ago)
The Kickstarter end party where we raised money for our score and sound was a year ago, and here’s some pics from the shindig.

Citations Are Fun!
I’ve been working on getting all the on-screen citations into Science, Sex, and the Ladies.

Music and Sound Effects!!!!!
We’re getting to work on the sound effects for Sciecne, Sex, and the Ladies

Synchtube, Skype, and Music: "Science, Sex and the Ladies" Movie Update
We’re working with our composer and getting closer to a final cut and a score.

Latest Round of Movie Fixes...Done.
We’re combing through Science, Sex, and the Ladies. making fixes, and it feels like we’re getting close.

Our First Scene Release from "Science Sex and the Ladies"
5 more days for our sond and score Kickstarte campaign!

Our Kickstarter Campaign!
We’re very close to pushing ‘go’ on our Kickstarter Campaign to fund the score and sound for Science, Sex, and the Ladies!

Our Second Festival Submission and Near Future Plans
We did some rough-cut festival submissions, some further cuts, some prioritizing of next steps, and we’re about to launch a kickstarted campaign. We’re busy here at AnC Movies.

Final Shoot Before We Begin Submitting to Festivals!
We did one final shoot before we start pulling together a rough cut to send to festivals.

Doc Johnson, AnC Thanks You For The Dildo With Anus!
Doc Johnson sent us free anatomical props to use as 3-d examples in our movie. We assume they assumed it was a porn, and that’s why they were willing to do it, but we’re happy either way. Expensive sex toys are expensive. Now we can do a pretty cool ass scene we’ve been writing.