Retro Post: Skeptic Ink Article Critique and the History of The Debate It Led To
I critiqued a 2014 post by Edward Clint at Skeptic Ink because, among other things, he was pitting Freud against the feminists of the 70’s as 2 extreme sides of the “orgasm debate’ which is a real pet peeve of mine. He disagreed with my assessment, and we debated back and forth . This is the OG post along with info about what ensued.

The Female Orgasm Debate With Edward Clint at Skeptic Ink - My Response #2
The final part of a debate with Edward Clint from Skeptic Ink. I posted a critique of an article he wrote. We ended up talking, and although he didn’t want to debate the main critique I had of his original article, he agreed to debate about vaginal orgasms, so here we are.

The Female Orgasm Debate With Edward Clint at Skeptic Ink - My Response #1
My first response in a debate with Edward Clint from Skeptic Ink. It started from a critique I had of a post he did on his blog. Although he was not interested in arguing my original critique, we decided on a debate related to the vaginal orgasm.

A Reply to a Reply: My Continuing Discussion with Skeptic Edward Clint
My response in a debate with Edward Clint to a response he gave about my critique of a post he did on his blog. We’re talking about whether vaginal orgasm are a given reality and if the 70’s feminist point of view on the lack of vaginal orgasms should be painted as extreme.

Rocks and Glass Houses - Skeptic Ink Article Ain't So Skeptical
I respond to an article by Edward Clint about scientific writing about a lady-gasm article. He does some comparing of Freud and bad-ass on-point feminists of the 70’s that I find utterly incorrect.