A new Showtime Series about Masters and Johnson?
I don't know a ton about the details of Masters and Johnson's lives, but I know a few things that could easily make for good soap-opera drama. Plus, add in the craziness that went on with observing and recording real people having real orgasms...and later counseling real people with real sexual issues, and this could be a pretty fun series. I hope they treat the research and female sexual response right. I'm interested to see how some things are addressed because M&J were kind of stuck in traditional ideas about sex even though they did some of the most progressive sexual work in the 20th century. They had issues with homosexuality, but actually did some interesting research into it. Also M&J clearly showed that masturbation of the clit (and to a lesser degree manual stimulation from a skilled partner) caused the most intense orgasms M&J recorded...much more intense than the hands-free orgasms recorded during intercourse (which were due to indirect clitoral stimulation). Yet, still M&J were not exactly masturbation enthusiasts, they seemed to believe getting a woman to have orgasms hands free during intercourse was the ultimate goal. ..you will definitely see an SSL review of this when it comes out. Check out details HERE.