Embrace And A Reminder That the Personal Is Political
I saw the movie, Embrace. It’s an important discussion about women and our bodies, and for me it very much parrallels issues related to our orgasms as well. Taryn Brumfitt hits with this doc.

Columbus, OH: I'll see you at the Gateway Film Center!!!
Science, Sex and the Ladies was asked to be at The Gateway Film Center's Documentary Week. Me and the other two of our directing trio are super excited to watch in a big crowd and talk to people!

An Educational Video Meets A Midnight Movie - Finally, We've Given You a Box for Science, Sex and the Ladies!
When you release a movie, it really needs to have a clean genre to tell people if you want it programmed (we’ve learned that the hard way). We do not fit well into clean genres, but now, I’m thinking midnight movie meets education video is a genre I feel good telling people. I speak on it here

Orgasm Inc. - The SSL Review
Review of depictions and discussions of female orgasm, female masturbation, cunnilingus, and/or the clit in the movie, Orgasm Inc: The Story of One Taste – uses the signature SSL Review 5 vulva rating system.