A write up mostly about the orgasm discussions in a fab book by Suzannah Weiss called Subjectified. I am happy to say no bonkers statements about the orgasm - mostly just sensible and thoughtful ones, and there's lots of non-orgasm related stuff worth reading too.

Being Cliterate by Laurie Mintz - 2 Thumbs on the Clit from Me!
An SSL Review of the book, ‘Becoming Cliterate: Why Orgasm Equality Matters and How to Get It’ by Dr. Laurie Mintz. Two thumbs up.

The Best Scandanavian Female Orgasm Book You Never Knew About - I Accuse! by Mette Ejlersen
A review of the 1970 Scandinavian best-seller and cultural phenomenon that you’ve very likely never heard of, “I Accuse” by Mette Ejlersen. It’s bold, personal, brave, and completely on point about women’s experience of orgasm. It’s, sadly, as relevant now as it was in 1970.

Come As You Are - A Book You Should Read
My review of the book, “Come as You Are” by Dr. Emily Nagoski. Although I have strong issues with the information about orgasms, the book overall is important and has great advice about desire and arousal I think could be incredibly meaningful to a lot of people.

The Technology of Orgasm: A Meticulously Researched, Awesome, Orgasm Equality Book (A Retro SSL Post)
My review of the book “The Technology of Orgasm” by Rachel P. Maine. It’s detailed, heavily researched, and has a long historical perspective about the work of lady-gasm giving (the work no-one wants). Spoiler: It has everything to do with the supremacy of hetero vaginal intercourse and how bad it is for lady-gasms.

Random Hite Report #28
Here I hand-copy 1 random page out of the groundbreaking, incredibly important 1976 survey by Shere Hite about female orgasm, masturbation, and sexuality -The Hite Report. Every page is fab, and I do this with the hopes of getting people to read the whole book.

Retro Author Interview: Miriam Reumann and American Sexual Character
I interview Miriam G. Reumann, author of the book, “American Sexual Character; Sex, Gender, and National Identity in the Kinsey Reports.” This not only insightful and heavily researched, but also a really fun read. (A re-post from 2011)

Masters and Johnson Research Footage at The Kinsey Institute
I visited the Kinsey Institute and got to watch one of the research films by Masters and Johnson showing arousal and orgasm in a woman. I describe it here because you can’t make any copies.