How Women Rate Their Genital Sensitivity and Appearance: An Article I Read
A detailed, but (mostly) plainly worded summary of a scientific journal article called “Self-assessment of genital anatomy, sexual sensitivity and function in women: implications for genitoplasty.” My goal here is to give more people an opportunity to engage with peer reviewed research about female orgasm and hopefully incorporate it more into our culture understanding.

Sexing The Body - It's A Good Book
An appreciation of the book “Sexing the Body - Gender Politics and the Construction of Sexuality,” by Anne Fausto-Sterling.

Crappy Science Reporting With Their Outrageous, Alarming Titles Piss Me Off
“Too often, a mostly level-headed, peer reviewed scientific study is discovered by the pop media, and we the public get a shock title that either has nothing to do with the content of the actual study or highlights a tiny mention of future goals or related possibilities that the scientists who wrote the study by no means endorse in the study. “

A couple more things I would like to discuss regarding intersex conditions
2 of 2: Related to reading of Sexing the Body: Gender Politics and the Construction of Sexuality by Anne Fausto Sterling and other research I did at the start of writing this movie, I wanted to speak a bit about Intersex people. It’s not something most people know much about, but it’s an important thing to understand.

Intro to Intersex
1 of 2: Related to reading of Sexing the Body: Gender Politics and the Construction of Sexuality by Anne Fausto Sterling and other research I did at the start of writing this movie, I wanted to speak a bit about Intersex people. It’s not something most people know much about, but it’s an important thing to understand.