25% of Ladies Not Getting Intercourse-gasms: Michael Castleman Slingin' Mad Stats for Orgasm Equality!
Mr. Michael Castleman over at Psychology Today wrote an orgasm equality AF article called "The Most Important Sexual Statistic: Intercourse Is Not The Key To Most Woman's Sexual Satisfaction.” I speak on this.

Distance From Clitoris to Vagina: Does It Matter to Orgasms?
A detailed, but (mostly) plainly worded summary of a scientific journal article called “Female sexual arousal: Genital anatomy and orgasm in intercourse.” My goal here is to give more people an opportunity to engage with peer reviewed research about female orgasm and hopefully incorporate it more into our culture understanding.

Wired, The By-product Theory of Female Orgasm, A Twin Study, and Scientists Being Thick
Wired magazine tells us that a twin study about orgasm is a problem for the byproduct theory of orgasm…but I read that twin study…it’s kind of a shit study and Wired is wrong.

The Case of the Female Orgasm: An SSL Book Review
I discuss the book “The case of the Female Orgasm: Bias in the Study of Evolution” by Elisabeth A. Lloyd. I love it’s nitty gritty philosophy of science stylings.